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Welcome to Katenary documentation

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Special thanks to all contributors, testors, and of course packages and tools authors.

Katenary is a tool made to help you to transform "compose" files (docker-compose.yml, podman-compose.yml...) to a complete and production ready Helm Chart.

You'll be able to deploy your project in Kubernetes in a few seconds (of course, more if you need to tweak with labels).

It uses your current file and optionnaly labels to configure the result.

It's an opensource project, under MIT licence, partially developped at Smile. The project source code is hosted on the Katenary GitHub Repository.

Install Katenary

Katenary is developped in Go. The binary is statically linked, so you can simply download it from the release page of the project in GutHub.

You need to select the right binary for your operating system and architecture, and copy the binary in a directory that is in your PATH.

If you are a Linux user, you can use the "one line installation command" which will download the binary in your $HOME/.local/bin directory if it exists.

sh <(curl -sSL

Upgrading is integrated to the katenary command

Katenary propose a upgrade subcommand to update the current binary to the latest stable release.

Of course, you need to install Katenary once 😄

You prefer to compile it, no need to install Go

You can also build and install it yourself, the provided Makefile has got a build command that uses podman or docker to build the binary.

So, you don't need to install Go compiler 👍.

But, note that the "master" branch is not the "stable" version. It's preferable to switch to a tag, or to use the releases.

git clone
cd katenary
make build
make install

make install copies ./katenary binary to your user binary path (~/.local/bin)

You can install it in other directory by changing the PREFIX variable. E.g.:

make build
sudo make install PREFIX=/usr/local

Check if everything is OK using katenary version and / or katenary help

Install completion

Katenary uses the very nice project named cobra to manage flags, argument and auto-completion.

You can activate it with:

# replace "bash" by "zsh" if needed
source <(katenary completion bash)

Add this line in you ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file to have completion at startup.